Operations Management
We recognise that it is often more efficient for organisations to contract out certain services that require up-to-date in-depth technical knowledge
OP is really pleased to be able to share our recently finished report for the Global Health Cluster on the impact of the COVID 19 epidemic on the coordination of the Covid-19 response: Covid-19 Coordination Study
We only work with consultants that have the most relevant, up-to-date experience to ensure that our service solutions are always abreast of changes in the sector. We offer a range of Operations Management services including:
Other capacities may be available on request.
Lessons For Life Foundation Provided situational analysis, risk assessment and crisis management support for Lessons for Life board visit to Uganda.
Royal Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs Provided a team of consultants to the Royal Netherlands MoFA to review, assess and score NGO proposals submitted to the Addressing Root Cause (ARC) Fund 2016-2020 and Mine Action and Cluster Munition Programme 2016-2020.
UKMed and the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh In collaboration with UKMed developed an Introduction to Humanitarian Health Care course for health care professionals looking to work in the humanitarian sector. Introduction to Humanitarian Health Care.
ALERT (through HelpAge International) Development of a Monitoring and Evaluation Plan for the ALERT platform project on emergency preparedness. The MEL plan was designed based upon latest principles set out by humanitarian policies (CHS, Grand Bargain).